Gaining Muscle for Law Enforcement

Q: Hi there,  I am 17 years old and I want to be a state trooper here in Ohio. I can’t apply until I am 21. It’s there anything I can do now to train for this?  I’ve always been very slim. I find it hard to gain weight or muscle. I’m 17, I’m 5’8″, and I weigh 120 lbs. It’s greatly appreciated if you could give me any advice.


Tyler W.

My Answer: Start gaining some muscle.  You have a few years before applying, so I would suggest taking the time to bulk up.  Since you’re young and a slim guy, I would suggest you follow the Hypertrophy Training for the Ectomorph program.  Keep eating a lot of calories and a lot of protein.

Once you’ve gained an appreciative amount of muscle, you can add in some cardio in the form of sprinting.  You will be doing a lot of running at the academy.

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